Take a look at our free pTo Rewriter, a professional paraphrasing tool that assists in creating better documents with the same meaning while avoiding plagiarism.
pTo Rewriter is a professional paraphrasing tool that helps you create better documents with the same meaning while effectively avoiding plagiarism. It is great for bloggers, businesses, students, and all types of writers.
Simply copy and paste or upload your documents or essay, choose “Rewrite,” and watch the magic happen. You can copy the results and add extra content. Furthermore, you may change as you see fit and use the features built specifically for you to ease your task.
*PTO: Paraphrasing Tools Online!
Professional Paraphrasing Online Tool (free live test)
pTo Rewriter Tool offers a variety of different online writing resources for students in addition to offering professional paraphrasing services. One of these is an article and essay rewriter, among other things. The goal is to offer reasonable prices on all types of information that anybody with any budget, including students and business owners, may use!
PTO Rewriter
Everything You Need to Know About Online Professional Paraphrasing Tools

Why is paraphrasing so hard? Why paraphrase such a problem?
Paraphrasing as a professional or using tools for more than a few leading quotes interferes with the “flow” of your own writing. It is often difficult for the reader to see how the paraphrased or quoted ideas fit into your larger discussion because they have not read the same sources as you.
What are the 4 R’s of paraphrasing?
The 4R is a paraphrase strategy which means: Read, Rephrase, Recheck, and Repair. The 4Rs Strategy entails: You have read the passage and understood it. Restate: you repeat key points in your voice. Check that you have covered all of the important points. You repair the inaccurate information.
Is it OK to paraphrase?
As mentioned in our previous article on plagiarism, “just taking another writer’s ideas and rephrasing them as your own can also be considered plagiarism.” Paraphrasing is acceptable if you interpret and synthesize information from your sources by using a professional tool, rephrasing the ideas in your own words.
Is it illegal to paraphrase?
Sometimes you like the content of a paragraph or section of something you’ve read and want to paraphrase or rephrase it in your own words for your article. While not illegal, paraphrasing in scholarly articles should be cited as a professional courtesy.
What is inappropriate paraphrasing?
Take portions of text from one or more sources, credit the author (s), but only change one or two words or simply rearrange the order, voice (i.e., active or passive ), and/or the time of the sentences.
Why do students struggle with paraphrasing?
One reason students have a hard time paraphrasing is that they are not sure which words to CHANGE or which to KEEP. They need a strategy for making these decisions.
Do you find paraphrasing to be easy?
This is a step-by-step method on how to correctly relate or paraphrase information. Paraphrasing is expressing the meaning of something written or spoken using different words. However, paraphrasing is not always easy because it involves a lot of language processing.
What is required for a paraphrase to be considered acceptable?
For a paraphrase to be acceptable, you must be able to answer yes to the following: The meaning is the same. Most of the words have been changed. The sentences have been considerably restructured.
Do you have to give credit when paraphrasing?
When paraphrasing, give credit to the point at which you paraphrase and again at the end of the article or essay in your bibliography.
Is it okay to use synonyms when paraphrasing?
When paraphrasing, make sure of the following points: The words you choose to replace the original idea are true synonyms. For example, the original phrase, “It was a dark day,” could mean more than one thing. Make sure you understand the original idea and use words that convey the same meaning.
Is it better to paraphrase or quote?
Choose a direct quote when it is more likely to be precise than a summary or paraphrase when what you quote is the text you are analyzing when a direct quote is more concise than a summary or paraphrase, and that conciseness is important when the author is a particular authority whose exact words would be
Why do we paraphrase?
Paraphrasing is important because it shows that you understand the source well enough to write it down in your own words. This is important because it shows you and your reader (i.e. your speaker) that you have understood the source well enough to write it down in your own words.
How to reformulate an article?
The reformulation is called paraphrasing. It’s okay to paraphrase information found in other sources for your article, but you should give proper credit just like you do with a direct quote. To do this in APA or MLA formats, use a quote in parentheses.
What are the 4 types of trials?
An essay is focused writing designed to inform or persuade. There are many types of essays, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, explanatory, narrative, and descriptive essays.
Can a paragraph contain 500 words?
500 words are 3-5 paragraphs for essays and 5-10 paragraphs for ease of writing. 750 words are 4-8 paragraphs for essays and 8-15 paragraphs for ease of writing.
Professional Paraphrasing Tool: What is paraphrasing in essay writing?
Paraphrasing is a way to use text in your own handwriting without directly citing the source. Whenever you take information from a source other than your own, you should specify where you got that information from.
What is an example citation?
An example of a quote is when you take a Shakespeare passage and repeat it as written without changing any of the words. An example of a quote for a stock is the price of $ 24.56- $ 24.58. A passage quoted. “Where books burn, people burn too” is a famous quote from Heinrich Heine.
Can you end a paragraph with a quote?
Never allow the quote to do your job for you. So it’s a good idea to avoid ending a paragraph with a quote. But if your analysis is long, you may want to break it down into several paragraphs, starting over after the quote.
How many times do you cite the same source in a paragraph?
Including a single quote at the end of a paragraph is not sufficient unless the last sentence is the only information in the paragraph that comes from the cited source. Cite sources often and correctly in a paragraph to avoid inadvertent plagiarism.
Can you end a paragraph with a quote?
It’s okay to put a quote at the end of the paragraph (there must be at least one quote at the end of each paragraph if the material is paraphrased). If so, include them in the quote in the text, separated from the year by a comma.
What does paraphrase mean?
To paraphrase means to rephrase text or speech in your own words, without changing its meaning. To summarize means to reduce to essentials. You can use both techniques to clarify and simplify complex information or ideas. To paraphrase the text: Read and take notes.
What does it mean to paraphrase?
Paraphrasing means rephrasing a text or speech in your own words, without changing the meaning. Summarizing is reducing it to the essentials. You can use both techniques to clarify and simplify complex information or ideas. Paraphrasing the text: read and take notes.